

海外からきた人に聞く My Kanazawa: Ahmed Hassan

This series, My Kanazawa, offers a glimpse into the lives and thoughts of some of the foreign residents and visitors who have spent time in Kanazawa City.

「My Kanazawa(私の金沢)」シリーズは、海外からの移住者もしくは観光客の視点から見る金沢と、彼らの生活や考え方を垣間見ることができる連載記事です。


ー My Kanazawa: Ahmed Hassan

About Ahmed

Ahmed Hassan, originally from Egypt, found himself in Kanazawa one year ago when he received an offer to work as an English teacher in the city. He had been living in Tokyo for five years, and during this time received an offer to start working in Kanazawa, which he decided to take. He admits, “I did not know anything about Kanazawa beforehand.”

During his time in Kanazawa, Ahmed has made the most of his surroundings. His hobbies include motorcycling, snowboarding, cooking, and fishing. He explains, “I started fishing in Kanazawa, and I’ve visited the Noto peninsula many times. My free time is mostly spent outdoors.” Ahmed has allowed himself to truly appreciate the natural beauty and outdoor opportunities that the area has to offer.


About Kanazawa

Ahmed highlights the city’s unique charm, mentioning, “It is wonderful to be surrounded by nature, between the mountains and seaside. There are many local festivals and cultural activities to enjoy in Kanazawa also.” Kanazawa’s blend of urban and natural beauty, coupled with its rich cultural heritage, has left a lasting impression on him.

One aspect of life in Kanazawa that surprised Ahmed is the amount of snow the city receives. However, for a snowboarding enthusiast like him, this was a pleasant surprise. The snowy landscapes provide ample opportunities for his favourite winter sport.

Looking ahead, Ahmed has plans to continue his journey in Kanazawa for the next few years and then see where life takes him. As he continues to embrace new experiences and adventures, one can only imagine the exciting chapters that lie ahead in Ahmed Hassan’s story.

ー 私の金沢:アームド・ハサーン











  • 記事を書いたライター
  • ライターの新着記事


  1. 海外からきた人に聞く My Kanazawa: Ahmed Hassan

  2. 海外からきた人に聞く My Kanazawa: Rob Songer

  3. Walking around Kanazawa 07『金沢城公園/Kanazawa Castle Park』

  4. Walking around Kanazawa 06『石浦神社/Ishiura Shrine』

  5. 石川県の日常で見つけた “First Signs of Summer”

  6. Walking around Kanazawa 05『兼六園/Kenroku-en Garden』

  7. Walking around Kanazawa 04『ひがし茶屋街/Higashi Chaya District』

  8. Walking around Kanazawa 03『主計町茶屋街/Kazuemachi Chaya District』

  9. Walking around Kanazawa 02『近江町市場/Ōmichō Market』

  10. Walking around Kanazawa 01『金沢駅/Kanazawa Station』