石川県在住のニュージーランド人ジェニファーが見つけた “First Signs of Summer/夏の訪れを知らせる初めのサイン” とは、どんなものなのでしょうか。彼女の視点を通して見てみると、日常的な光景の中にある美しさや季節のサインに気がつきます。
ー First Signs of Summer
Summer here is typically hot, unbearably humid, and the smell of half-dried clothing becomes more of a common occurrence. Aside from avoiding the awkward talks of telling someone they have an offensive odour, there are many delightful things about the summer months too.

I love fruit, especially homegrown! When visiting my in-laws to take their dog for a walk, their garden got me excited. The bulbous green fig and little baby blueberries were a welcome sight in the garden. The dog didn’t care much for these new additions, but we humans were delighted.
Our walk around the neighbourhood was made all the better by all the blue and purple hydrangeas dotted throughout people’s front gardens and the local parks.

Summer’s arrival wouldn’t be cemented without the green rice fields, dramatic sunset, and wet roads after a sudden summer thunderstorm. Remember everyone when it comes to Kanazawa, you may forget your lunch box, but you cannot forget your umbrella.

ー 夏の訪れを知らせる初めのサイン

私はフルーツ、特に自家栽培のものが大好きです! 先日、犬を散歩に連れて行くために義理の両親を訪ねたとき、彼らの庭を見て私は興奮しました。そこには成長中の青いイチジクや小さなブルーベリーの赤ちゃんたちなど、うれしくなる光景が。犬はあまり興味を示していないようでしたが、私たち人間にはとても喜ばしいことでした。

